標籤: Sogo@美容化妝交流區的相關資料
有冇人知道今期MORE 有冇Coupon 去尖沙咀Sogo Sample 換呢?
有冇人知道今期MORE 有冇Coupon 去尖沙咀Sogo Sample 換呢?
8/12 Headline - Clinique (CWB Sogo 9/F)/ Dermalogica (Aster Spring)
8/12 Headline
- Clinique (CWB Sogo 9/F)- until 8/17
- Dermalogica (Aster Spring)- until 12/15
July Sogo CLUB member free samples of BORGHESE
由即日起至2010年7月31日期間,Sogo CLUB member 親臨Sogo CLUB 13/F BORGHESE DAY SPA, can get free 全新產品「基因賦活精華」5 ml sample
4/28 Headlines - Shiseido (CWB Sogo 9/F)
4/28 Headlines - Shiseido (CWB Sogo 9/F)
Sogo Club- Benefit 免費化妝服務(價值$500)
憑Sogo club 會員証,到benefit 專櫃,即可享用價值$500 既免費化妝服務
預約電話:2831 3964 至30/4
4/14 Headlines - Covermark Foundation samples - CWB Sogo (9/F)
4/14 Headlines - Covermark Foundation samples - CWB Sogo (9/F)
tst Sogo nina ricci 有香水換
去果度ling張Sogo傳單就有得ling la^^~
Citi Bank Visa Card - Free Samples at TST or CWB Sogo(27-31/1)
I got the leafleft from Citi Bank Visa and found some coupons to redeem the samples at TST or CWB Sogo.Sisters,please pay attention.Thanks.
Headlines have free CWB Sogo 9/F promotion coupons on 2/12
Headlines have some free CWB Sogo 9/F promotion coupons on 2/12.
include: SKII ,Biotherm, HABA ,32c,Lancome
sis can use the copon go to 9/F promotion counter to get samples from 2/12-8/12